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Dev Kit Katana Dreamcast Release

Contents of the page:

  1. Release of a Katana Dreamcast dev kit from Eurocom with a version of NBA Hoopz

  2. Release of an Appaloosa Katana Dreamcast dev kit with versions of Ecco The Dolphin 1 and 2

  3. Release of a Katana Dreamcast dev kit from No Cliché with a version of Agartha and many other things

  4. Redump of 2 Katana Dreamcast dev kit containing the unreleased Hell Gate

  5. Redump of a Katana Dreamcast dev kit containing Giant Killers builds

  6. Release of a Katana Dreamcast dev kit with Tower of Babel found inside

  7. Release of a Katana Dreamcast dev kit from Artificial Mind Movement era with prototypes of The Grinch game

  8. Release of a Katana Dreamcast dev kit from Sting or FromSoftware with Evolution 1 and Frame Gride prototypes

  9. Release of a Katana Dreamcast dev kit from NEC Interchannel whit Interlude and Welcome to Pia Carrot 3 prototypes

  10. Release of a Katana Dreamcast dev kit from Rage Software with partially functional builds of UEFA Striker and incomplete source code of the PS1 game

  11. Release of a Katana Dreamcast dev kit from Mad Catz, with a tool for calibrating the accessory manufacturer's Dreamcast controllers.


We might have missed things in exploring Dev Kits. Do not hesitate to redo the whole process (recovering deleted data, checking the functionality of the builds ect) to be sure. You can contact me without further ado if you discover new things about them.

Inside a Dreamcast Dev Kit

Eurocom Dev kit Katana

Eurocom Dreamcast Dev Kit release.

Thanks to Sizious  to check the contents of the dev kit.

Thanks to Drac  for its help in making the hard drive image.

Its original content:

  • Functional build of Nba Hoopz

Data retrieved (to be checked):

  • Corrupted build of Hydro Thunder.


Nba Hoopz functional:

NBA Hoopz (Jan 9, 2001 prototype)

Download the SET5 Dreamcast dev kit used by the Eurocom studio:

Eurocom Dreamcast Katana Dev Kit

Hydro Thunder Dreamcast corrompu.jpg

Appaloosa Dev kit Katana

Appaloosa Dreamcast Dev Kit release.

Thanks to Sizious  to check the contents of the dev kit.

Thanks to Drac  for its help in making the hard drive image.

Its content before and after recovery of erased data:

Different version of Ecco 1:


  • Build 1 : (does not work, the game starts but remains blocked, to be fixed)

  • Build 2 : (does not work, the game starts but remains blocked, to be fixed)

  • Build 3: (does not work, the game starts but remains blocked, to be fixed)

  • Build 4: (does not work, the game starts but remains blocked, to be fixed)

Appaloosa Interactive logo.png

Different version of Ecco 2;


  • Build 1:

This build has the same version and same date as the ecco 2 found in 2016. However, when searching the files, we can see some differences. The game is launched only on an emulator (to be fixed), map 1 does not work, the load remains blocked.


  • Build 2:

This build has the same version and same date as the ecco 2 found in 2016 as well as my ecco 2 above. The differences are notable as new levels. Unfortunately, it crashes on the loading of one of the unpublished maps (predefined loading). To see to load the games on the title screen or on another map. Build to fix if possible.

EDIT: The loadings would have to be hacked, to be removed in order to be able to play the games.

The recovery of deleted data must be checked.

Ecco2 the dolphin Dreamcast dev kit.jpg
Config Ecco 2 dreamcast dev kit.jpg

No Cliché Dev kit Katana

No Cliché Dreamcast Dev Kit release.

Thanks to "Hidden Palace", "Sifting" and "Metallic" for checking the dev kit content.

Thanks to "James Kremer"  for making the hard drive image. The dump caused problems, only 1 partition of the HD could be done. Another dump will come.

Its original content:

  • Functional build of Agartha and a Network Toll " Flash Edit "

  • Non-functional build of Quake 3

Data retrieved (to be checked):

  • f1841089.iso is normal ISO image, it appears to be corrupted  and related to Agartha .
    f1618113.iso is a normal ISO image,
      it only contains 3 text files. The files  appear to be empty.
    f1618241.iso is not an ISO image at all. It starts with an identifier ' CHCD ' and has a completely different structure. It contains Agartha files.

  • 130 zip files, some are corrupted but there are many that can be opened. All zip files appear to be assets from the Quake 3 port. The textures are in pvr format (approximately 3000), the sounds in yalmaha adpcm format. The templates, maps and more are all in normal Quake 3 format as far as I know.

  • Photos with the Marseillais of the Dreamcast advertisements.

  • Text files being animation scripts, the 80% for Agartha

Dossier retrouvé dans le kit après récupération de données..png
No Cliché Dev Kit Agartha.jpg
No Cliché Logo Dreamcast.png

Download the SET5 Dreamcast dev kit used by the No Cliché studio:

No Snapshot Dreamcast Katana Dev Kit

Horny Dog or Dreamon Dev Kit Katana

Redump of 2 Dreamcast Dev Kit from Horny Dog or to the studio that took care of the Dreamons demos. We find the photo of the credits of Dreamon.

Thank you to "bart_simpson" from forum "Obscurgamers" for contacting me by offering me to recheck his old release around 2010.

There is no image of the hard drive, its owner had done the necessary at the time.

Content of the development kits:

  • Lots of prototype versions of the Unreleased Hell Gate on Dreamcast. Some betas are operational by making "Frankenstein" (take in one to put in another). As they all had problems (bug, crash), I cannot suggest them to you. Nothing prevents you from watching again, maybe we missed something.

  • Source code for Hellgate. If someone has the skills to work on it, we might have a nice surprise.

Download the 2 SET5 Dreamcast dev kit used by the Horny Dog or Dreamon studio:

Horny Dog or Dreamon Dreamcast Katana Dev Kit (2 kits)

Hell Gate Dreamcast
Dreamon Dreamcast Crédit.jpg

Smoking Gun Productions Dev Kit Katana (Giant Killers)

Thank you to "bart_simpson" from forum "Obscurgamers" for contacting me by offering me to recheck his old release around 2010.

There is no image of the hard drive, its owner had done the necessary at the time.

The development kit contains several builds of the game Giant Killers. At first glance, there is nothing you can do to make them playable. We never know.

Download the SET5 Dreamcast dev kit used by Smoking Gun Productions studio

Smoking Gun Productions Dreamcast Katana Dev Kit

Giant killers Dreamcast beta and promotionnal stuff.jpg

Tower of Babel Dev Kit Katana

Tower of Babel Dreamcast Dev Kit release.

Thanks to "Megavolt85", for analyzing the contents of the development kit.

Thanks to "Drac"  for making the hard drive image.

A playable build of the Tower of Babel tech demo has been found on the hard drive. It finally works on a real console.

This dev kit never seems to have been used. I have the impression that its content was used to check if the Katana was functioning correctly before sending it to the various development studios. I am making this assumption after reading the Readme where it says " Dreamcast Set5.20 / MP / PP BABEL for hardware verification 8/8/1998 SEGA ST S.UCHIDA R&D SYSTEM ". The disk drive was also protected by a cover.

Download the SET5 Dreamcast dev kit with Tower of Babel:

Tower of babel  Dreamcast Katana Dev Kit

Dreamcast Katana Dev Kit (tower of babel).jpg
Babel Dreamcast Dev Kit.jpg

Artificial Mind & Movement era Dev Kit Katana

Artificial Mind & Movement era Dreamcast Dev Kit release.

Thanks to "KF" for sharing the content of his recently acquired Dev Kit.

Thanks to "Ian Micheal"  for analyzing the contents of the Dev Kit and for creating the GDIs to play the prototypes.

Several prototypes of the Dreamcast game "The Grinch" could be extracted from this Katana Development Kit. The most interesting builds are the Japanese Unreleased versions of the game that you can download (here)

Dreamcast Dev Kit The Grinch Archive.jpg

Download the SET5 Dreamcast dev kit with "The Grinch :

The Grinch  Dreamcast Katana Dev Kit

Sting + FromSoftware Dev Kit Katana

This Dreamcast development kit contains two builds of two games from two different development studios, Evolution: The World of Sacred Device from Sting and Frame Gride from FromSoftware, perhaps the same publisher.

Thanks to "Jollyroger" for sharing the contents of his Dev Kit.

Thanks to "Ian Micheal"  for analysing the contents of the Dev Kit and for creating the GDIs to play the prototypes.

Thanks to "VincentNL" for analysing Frame Gride.

Concerning Frame Gride : The most important difference between the final version and this prototype is that the data is not encrypted. this makes it easy to extract data from the .MGF archives. This also applies to the .TXT files which provide additional details on the game values. A GDI has been created but this Frame Gride build is not working properly, the game crashes after going through the various menus. It would take some time to fix, if possible, this prototype which is not 100% functional. This version of Frame Gride is about 10 days old before the final version. There are also leftovers of the level construction as .MAP files, available from the dev kit.

Frame Gride partially functional:

Frame Gride (Jun 22, 1999 Dreamcast Prototype)

About Evolution: The World of Sacred Device: The prototype is in final version, there is nothing special. The GDI is done, so you might as well enjoy it.

Evolution: The World of Sacred Device final :

Evolution: The World of Sacred Device GDI

Concerning the dev kit: After recovering the deleted data, we found that some sources were present. They correspond to fog tables for Evolution 1 (to be confirmed).

Katana Dev Kit Dreamcast Evolution + Frame Gride.jpg
Frame Gride Dreamcast Prototype.png
Source Code Fog Table Dev Kit Katana Dreamcast.jpg
Evolution Dreamcast Final Dev Kit Katana.jpg

Fog Table Source Code :

SCR Fog Table (Evolution 1)

Download the SET5 Dreamcast dev kit from Sting + FromSoftware:

Sting + FromSoftware Dreamcast Katana Dev Kit

NEC Interchannel Dev Kit Katana

This Dreamcast development kit contains two game builds from NEC Interchannel. These are Interlude and Welcome to Pia Carrot! 3.

Thanks to "SUDDEN・DESU" for sharing the contents of his Dev Kit.

Thanks to "Ian Micheal"  for analysing the contents of the Dev Kit and creating the GDIs to play the prototypes.

Thanks to "VincentNL" for his expertise on the Nindows Debug Menue (version 1 and version 2).

About Welcome to Pia Carrot! 3: The prototype contains a Debug Menu of a previously unseen Nindows version. The build is about ten days after the final version.

Article on the Pia Carrot 3 prototype:

Welcome to Pia Carrot 3 (Feb 25, 2003 Dreamcast Prototype)

Concerning Interlude: The prototype is in final version, there is nothing special. The GDI is done, so you might as well enjoy it.

Pia Carrot 3 Dreamcast Prototype.jpg

Interlude final :

Interlude GDI

The Dreamcast development kit, apart from its 2 game prototypes, has nothing special.

Download the SET5 Dreamcast dev kit from NEC Interchannel :

Nec Interchannel Dreamcast Katana Dev Kit

Katana Dev Kit Dreamcast Nec Interchannel.jpg

Rage Software Dev Kit Katana

This Dreamcast development kit contains builds of the UEFA Striker game (Striker Pro 2000) from the development studio Rage Software. The incomplete source code of the PSX version is also present.

Thanks to "pix ben" for sharing the contents of his Dev Kit. You can discover his other treasures on his youtube channel.

Thanks to "Japanese Cake"  for analyzing the content of the dev kit and for creating the GDI that allows you to play the prototype even if it is not fully playable.

Thanks to "LemonHaze" for working on the PS1 source code.

Concerning UEFA Striker Dreamcast: Only the menus work, there is no game. To test the partially repaired build, you have to modify the NullDc bios and choose the Japanese Cake one. You have to take the v1.031 bios, download it here, then put it in the Data directory of the emulator and rename it to dc_boit.bin.


UEFA Striker partially functional:

UEFA Striker (Sep 08, 2000 Dreamcast Prototype)

Regarding the UEFA Striker D PS1 source code: The source code seems slightly incomplete. There are several debugging symbols for different platforms (PC, DC and PSX). We can't make the original source code work, we can still use these debugging symbols (the debugging symbols tell us how each function is called and all the variables).

There are some jokes:

  • pentium processor - computer porn

  • axl rose - oral sex

  • chesney hawkes - cheesey whanks

UEFA Striker PS1 Souce code incomplet:

SCR UEFA Striker PS1

UEFA Striker PS1 Source code compiled in .EXE:

UEFA Striker PS1.EXE

Dreamcast Dev Kit Katana Rage Software UEFA Striker.jpg
UEFA Striker Dreamcast prototype.png

This is the code compiled for UEFA Striker on PSX from the remaining debug files.  It just starts on a black screen at the moment.

Download the SET5 Dreamcast dev kit from Rage Software :

Rage Software Dreamcast Katana Dev Kit

Mad Catz Dev Kit Katana

This Dreamcast development kit contains tools used by accessory manufacturer Mad Catz.  One of the programs inside the Katana development kit, for calibrating Dreamcast controllers, has been restored.

Thanks to "pix ben" for sharing the contents of his Dev Kit. You can discover his other treasures on  his youtube channel.

Thanks to "Ian Micheal"  for analyzing the contents of the Dev Kit and restoring the pad calibration tool.

The essential contents of the dev kit :

  • Mad Catz used a tool to calibrate or repair the Dreamcast controllers it manufactured. The software, found in the "CE_VIB" folder, looks like one of the official SDK demos that SEGA sent to development studios. Mad Catz must have converted it for their needs.

The restored tool can be downloaded below:

Dreamcast Controller Software (Mad Catz)

  • A tool for vibration kits was to be used by the American company Mad Catz. It was not possible to get it to work. However, all the data are present in the "PantherDC" and "PantherDC_dwp" folders (to be confirmed). The program is certainly integrated into the DC controller calibration tool.

  • Files in the "MCTEST" folder are missing. As a result, it is impossible to launch the unknown program it contains. Inside the folder are various audio and video samples, including the introductory cutscene from Sonic Blast 3D SEGA Saturn in SFD format.

  • The "MouseDC" folder might suggest that Mad Catz was planning to offer mouse controllers for the Dreamcast. Unfortunately, it's empty.

  • The remaining folders are empty or contain few things.

Mad Catz Dreamcast Pad Tool
Madcatz logo.webp

Download the SET5 Dreamcast dev kit from Mad Catz :

Mad Catz Dreamcast Katana Dev Kit

In connection with development  : Tower of Babel Dreamcast Tech Demo version 2 - Dreamcast SDK, Tech Demo and Development Document Release - Katana Dreamcast Dev Kit Release - Scud Race Dreamcast Tech Demo

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