35 mm reel photo and video gallery
The raw scan format is "Prores". It may be possible to provide it for professional projects, to discuss with its other owner.
The reels include the advertisements "Sonic", "Shinobi", "Moonwalker", "Strider/Super Monaco GP" as well as the "Lion King" in French and English. The content shows the sequences, the plans, not retained for the final assembly. Some parts are missing that had to be shot in one take. I am thinking in particular of the explosion scenes.
The "Moonwalker" commercial sequences have the most takes. You will see the number of times the Punk tries to climb down the ladder. He must have been so tired!!!
Each "number" corresponds to a metal box. You will find the detailed content by clicking on it.
The "editing" section will show you the different videos I have made so far. I had a lot of fun !
As for the "miscellaneous in bulk" section, it welcomes unlisted photos.
I would like to thank the person without whom this project would never have been possible. He will recognize himself.
I hope you enjoy this little trip behind the scenes of "Master Sega" commercials. Above all, don't forget "Sega is stronger than you".

158 GB hard drive

Their numberings

In connection with Sega Mega Drive advertisements, you will be able to: