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My Unreleased Dreamcast Collector's Record

I wanted to do it on my Twitter feed. In the end, I will do it on my blog. It is interesting, important to take a step back from time to time. I had never done this questioning until now. I realize my involvement on the Dreamcast scene.

This is the first time that I have quantified the number of canceled Dreamcast games that I have discovered. They are numerous (11 titles). Inside, with a small smile on the corner of my lips, I tell myself that I could retire.

Rest assured, I still have a Grail to find. This time the bar is so high that it will be difficult to reach ! Afterwards, I promise, I will stop!

I impress myself !

My feats of arms :

I really wanted it, I dreamed of digging it up. I conducted a real investigation into it. I would like to believe that there is a more complete version. Some elements might lead you to believe it, others not.

The first Unreleased I found. I didn't know anything about the underground dreamcast scene, about the importance of bringing canceled games online. I learned to handle unreleased thanks to him. I loved to follow his trail until I could discuss with the person responsible for this Megadrive emulator.

We already knew the game, it had already leaked. We didn't have a GD-I from Half Life, only a CD-I. It was the first time we saw a physical prototype of the game. The way I got it is surprising. Agartha, the Megadrive emulator are not for nothing in the acquisition of this prototype.

My desire, one of my challenges, was to find unreleased in a dev kit. I was going to buy some until I achieved this goal. This is how I met Mihaly (former employee of Appaloosa) with whom I am still in contact. I bought the dev kit, by auction, on a Facebook group in eastern countries. Mihaly, with the agreement of the moderators of the FB group, had made me enter. It was funny.

A friend who sends me his GD-R asking me to dump it. I was surprised when I put the disc in the console when I thought I had the Japanese title "The Ring" in my hands.

We already knew the white label which had been dumped many years ago. His purchase was purely for the collection. I had found it in Australia at an old man in the industry.

I had seen it one day on Ebay. I thought it was funny that he could have canceled homebrews. The record, on CD-R, struck me as a crush.

The story, from A to Z, from its discovery to its release is worthy of a movie. I have never given myself so much, invested in ensuring the posting of a canceled title. There are hours and hours of email exchanges with its owner. Some people know the whole story. Maybe one day I'll tell it publicly. For the moment, you will have to be satisfied with step F to R!

An English friend had sold me some prototypes mentioning 4 x 4 evolution as being a US version. The prices were high, so I had to choose the games I wanted according to my budget. I couldn't take the whole lot. As I did not yet have an American beta, I opted for this prototype. By putting it in my console, it was in French, the language of my DC. My acquaintance had never paid attention to it, he was playing in English!

It was while going back to an old conversation with a friend on messenger, while researching elements on Agartha, that I came across this canceled that we had briefly mentioned during our exchanges. At the same time, a YouTuber, one of the composers of Kyskrew, mentioned it in one of his videos ...

It was while researching information about Ecco 2, in one of my conversations with Mihaly, that I realized that he had mentioned "The Smurfs" as a canceled game he had been working on. I am writing to him asking for more information about the game and if a video is possible. He, to my surprise, accepted straight away. I think my Castelvania release must have helped.


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